Archived Parish Council Information

Cover page


Outline ICON

November 2020

The pastoral Council coordinates and facilitates the work of the Parish Commissions with input from the church and school community to advise the Pastor.

General Responsibilities

  • Acting as a Council, members as a body are responsible for overseeing the implementation of the St. Mary Hyde Park parish plan implemented by the Parish Commissions.
  • Members represent the church and school with a clear combined mission to engage its members in knowing, living, and sharing Christ.
  • The Council will meet on a regular basis to ensure St. Mary Hyde Park remains a relevant and sustainable force in the lives of its members.


  • Members of the Pastoral Council include the Parish Business Administrator, the chair of each of the Parish Commissions, the School Principal or his/her designee; a representative of the Parent-Teacher Organization, and a representative of the School Sports Commission, and interested at-large members of St Mary Hyde Park.